1. Apex legends
Apex legends give their best in battle royale game comparing to pubg and fortnite in INDIA.
It was develop by respawn entertainment and publish by electronic art. like pubg and fortnite users can purchase in game currency to purchase new legends and skin for the various weapons. It also create new record by passing 50 million users in just a month.Apex legends is the winner in the era of battle royale games.
The name of the game is now on everyone' tongue. The gameplay is very attractive and exciting.
The entire concept of 100 players land on island and go for loot in house,buildings,and school etc and the players fight with each others for survive. The sound quality of game is amazing when you fire guns or run.According to the sources there are 200 million users an 30 million daily active users.
It is also the 5th best selling video games (50,000,000) units sold.
It is the mostly played video game across INDIA. Fortnite battle royale the computer videogame is a zombie survival game in which player can either team up or play solo to try surviving in this hunger game.The game starts with contestants of land on island because of pubg its run a little less in INDIA. It has a huge 250 million registered users worldwide.
It is an action role playing video game and the story are set in 431 BC four hundred year ago it recounts a secret fictional history set during the peloponnesian war which was fought between the city state of greece. It has also sold 2 lakh-5 lakh till now and also in the list of hit smashing pc games.It was develop by ubisoft quebec and published by ubisoft.
It is a city building survival game and hold their 5th rank in INDIA .In frostpunk challenges a player
tactical skills while questioning one morality. It was developed and publish by 11 bit studious.
The game was selling 1.4 million copies in its first year.
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